Thursday, June 9, 2011

We've moved!

We're closing down this blog and moving over to our website at You'll find our most recent blog posts there and information about the book, Romantic Deception: The Six Signs He's Lying, and upcoming and previous speaking engagements. We hope you'll stop by and check it out.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dating Safety Tips for Women Over 40

It's no surprise that three out of eleven tips suggest conducting some background research on your date. At the very least Google the guy, then check out his Facebook, MySpace and Linkedin profiles. Dig as deep as you can go. It's amazing how much information you can gather without ever leaving the comfort of your home. I should know, I've made a career out of it.

Not comfortable with your own investigative skills? Then hire a private investigator. There's a group called Female Legal and Investigative Professionals (F.L.I.P.) with members across the country. To learn more, click here.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Tips for finding long lost friends

The popular site Fab Over Fifty just published an article to help people find long lost friends (or lovers for that matter!). Darlene E. Adams, co-author of Romantic Deception: The Six Signs He's Lying, and owner of, offers her tips for free sites that can help anybody track someone down. Norma Tillman, author of How to Find Almost Anyone, also weighs in. Check it out!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Romantic Deception Authors Interviewed on BlogTalkRadio

Deborrah Cooper, host of the popular show Date Smarter Not Harder, interviewed the authors Dr. Sally Caldwell and Darlene E. Adams about their book Romantic Deception: The Six Signs He's Lying. Listen in.

Listen to internet radio with Ms HeartBeat on Blog Talk Radio

Friday, March 4, 2011

Listen Live to Romantic Deception Authors on BlogTalkRadio

Tune in on Saturday, March 5, 2011 at 9:00 p.m. EST to listen as Dr. Sally Caldwell and Darlene E. Adams talk about their book Romantic Deception: The Six Signs He's Lying. The authors will be taking questions on BlogTalkRadio as they discuss important guidelines regarding what to look for to determine if the man you are involved with really is who he says he is.

To listen, just follow this link.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011 is a scam to be avoided

If you've been searching for information on someone via the Internet, you've no doubt run into many, many listings for that appear to have information about the person you are looking for. I've seen it over and over again in my searches and today I decided to check it out. I was ready to sign up, using fake information just as a test, and soon realized that my "free" account wouldn't go through without accepting their terms. I decided to read on.

The terms spell out that there will be credit card charges. That was a red flag so I quickly cancelled out and did a Google search for "MyLife scam." There were lots of hits. Apparently MyLife is the new version of, a site I know all too well.

Last year while planning a high school reunion, I signed up for's Gold Membership. That was a mistake. My next credit card statement included fraudulent charges for a credit monitoring service that I'd never heard of. Nor had I ever received any information or confirmation that I'd been enrolled.

I immediately contacted and was told that I had indeed selected the service. Knowing that I had not, I promptly contacted my credit card company and had the charge removed. Apparently is operating the same scam and should be avoided.

There are two services for finding information about people that I can recommend. I have used both and without any issues. Both are useful tools. They do not always return the information I'd like or need, and the addresses are sometimes not current, but like I said, they are a tools in my arsenal that do help from time to time.

To learn more about the scam, click here.

Friday, February 4, 2011

National TV Show Seeks Victims for On-Camera Interviews

A national television show is seeking victims of online romantic deception for on-camera interviews. In particular, they are looking for women who were harmed by men they met through online dating services who they later found out had criminal records. If you are willing to share your story, please contact Kelly Rice at

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

GPS Tracking in Cameras and Smartphones Useful in Determining Romantic Deception

We all know that lying on the Internet is prevalent. Anyone who's tried on-line dating knows that people aren't always what they claim to be. I've heard lots of stories – and experienced a few examples myself – of individuals who are much older, much heavier, and much less educated than their profiles portray.

When that deception pours over into everyday living inside a romantic relationship, then it's a real issue. There is a fine line between embellishing on a profile to make oneself more attractive, and out right lying about every aspect of one's life. As Dr. Caldwell, author of Romantic Deception: The Six Signs He's Lying defines it, it is the "unrestrained misrepresentation of significant facts in the context of a intimate relationship." In other words, someone who truly is an impostor.

Everyday I look for new ways to help victims uncover the truth about the romantic liars in their lives. Did you know that you can now determine exactly where a photograph was taken? There is a new technology built into all GPS enabled cameras and Smartphones that will give you the exact location, within 15 feet, of where the photo was snapped.

This technology can be very useful in determining whether your romantic partner is telling the truth – or not. To learn more, click here.